
Friday, November 19, 2010

Ramona Jean. This is the story.


Ramona Jean was born on November 12, 2010. Mom, Dad, Liz, Jay, Papa V, and Mama V were all able to come meet her! 
We had a wonderful time ooing and ahhing all night and day long. 
Plus we had a whole bunch of fun with Mr. Miles. 
He is a new firefighter in training, by the way.
Let the story continue...

Monday, November 8, 2010

A little update-er-ooni

So life in the Eich household continues to be blissful, wonderful, funny, and filled with a whole lot of working in between. This fall, Stephen and I attended a few of his old high schools football games. Let me tell you, they are just about as exciting as any college football game... perhaps even more emotional. MLS did well and we had a lot of fun going to them! I thought I should throw in a pic from the last game of their season this year (they made the playoffs!).
And I thought it might be fun to include a little apartment update to this update-er-ooni.... I have found out that I am just a little nester. They say it happens when you have a baby, but apparently my apartment IS my baby. I just don't even have enough space(or funds) to do all I want to do, and do not worry, the Christmas decorating ideas have already begun. I am sure that will be a whole separate blog. Anyway, here is our little home!
***This first one, by the way, is for Kait Botma, Jess Weyburne, Josh Weyburne, Jon Chew, Whitney Luce and whoever else was in on these dumb little monkey things.***

 That is our fun new little shower rack gizmo that allows me to clean the bathtub MUCH more easily!
 I love my red teapot.
 I call them my gourd friends. AKA: my only fall decorations.
 This is our amazing little corner book case that is full of so many fun treasures!
 Where the big fake tree is, is where the big fake Christmas tree will go:-)
 That is my couch. And it is cozy. Oh, PS. We have 13 blankets.
My picture wall is my absolute favorite thing. I wish more more to put up there. Thank goodness for a freaking LARGE wall to be able to play with. 

So that is our little apartment so far. The bedroom is still such a mish mash of free stuff at this point that there was just nothing that need be shown yet. I WILL make it homey as best as I can. We would love to paint but we are also aware that we don't plan to live here for too long, so I have had to learn how to use color pretty much everywhere else. For a while, it was just beige and blue, and oh BOY is that boring. 

That is all for now as I am about to go to bed.

But here are a few fun things I have learned about married life to leave you with:

1. Boys are clean when they feel like it, which may NOT be when you feel like they should be.
2. They still need someone to make their lunches for them
3. I think they might need more relaxy time than women do.
4. My husband is hot (but I already knew that)
5. I eat a lot more than I used to because I am just trying to keep up.
6.When you fight, its best to do it right before you watch a movie because by the end of the movie, you will have completely forgotten what you fought about.
7. Guy jokes are different than girl jokes.
8. Bay City is crap.
9. I'm more high-maintenance than I thought I was. 
10. I am learning to hate laundry and grocery shopping.