
Friday, April 22, 2011

This could go a few directions...

My prediction is this post will have no direction and no flow, I am just in a thinky mood because I am by myself at work right now and people keep remarking on my departure from the Hotel....

In thinking about the end of this job and our time in Bay City, I get all weird. I get sad because I really do love my job I am at now (minus the pay situation) and I love the people I work with. I get anxious because I am suuuper ready to start this whole new adventure. I get nervous about being away from Stephen for a month or rather, parts of a month. I am humored by the thought of living in the Grandparents house with all its shag carpet glory. I'm pumped to get to wear NOT A SUIT everyday. I do love hotels and the hospitality  world, but I just don't love the uncomfortable poly-blend suits. Bring on the ill-fitting polos! I also get a little nostalgic (gimme a break, it happens) about the idea that Stephen and I are leaving our first little home. It's like the end of the first leg of our marriage or something. Like we are maybe even more honeymooners than we were right away so that won't change but our first home is already dissasembled and we are moving away from the system of life we have figured out thus-far.

Granted, I am super pumped about this change, which was re-affirmed yesterday in the Meijer parking lot. Ps. I am 140% sure that if the folks of Bay City were forced to take a drivers test, 80% of them would fail on parking lot etiquette alone. Okay, back to being pumped. Things that are potentially awesome are as follows: 1. We get to live in a real house and not 800 sq ft. anymore. 2. We might get a dog and fully have the option to. 3. I get to play with little kids every day. 4. I get to play with college kids every day. 5. Get ready for the return of the chaco tan. 6. No more Bay City.

Needless to say, I have poor patience. I am the kind of person that prefers to make a decision, execute said decision, and start living with the decision. This one is testing my patience as the decision was made a while ago and there isn't anything I can really start doing to get ready except pack, pray, and enjoy every minute of time spent with Stephen (cuz there won't be much time this summer). So if you would like to pray for me about something, pray for patience for Stephen and I both. Hubbster is gonna need a great deal more than me once summer begins....

Saturday, April 2, 2011

I love my husband because...

 He loves me BIG.
 He is a goofy, crazy, monkey boy.
 He is slowly but surely learning how to cook.
 He is mega hot. Let's be honest.
 He is very very very sweet.
 He is willing to move to Florida for me.
 He takes care of me.
 He makes me laugh on average of 9.7 times an hour.
 He is a firefighter.
 He works hard.
 He plays hard.
 He knows how to feel.
 He gets me and my weirdness.
 He is my husband.
 and He is still my boyfriend sometimes:-)
 He likes to cuddle AND hold my hand.
 He loves his family.
 He is a super great cleaner upper.
 He is pretty much awesome at all video games (which I apparently think is cool).
 He is a ninja.
 He doesn't freak out and get weird if I cry.
 He thinks the same as me.
 He loves dogs.
 He thinks other girls are not as pretty as me. (Most of the time:-)
 He is super lovey.
 He can tell when I don't want to cook dinner. And then he won't ask me.
 He got us ducks.
 He supports my dreams.
 He chases his own.
 He buys me flowers. ( I know this is dumb, but I REALLY love getting flowers....)
 He is a secret superhero.
 He is my best friend.

I think it is important to remind yourselves and your loved ones of the specific reasons why you love them. I am very much a person who likes to know the reasons behind things including reasons for feelings and actions. Plus I think it is just nice to hear. Stephen tends to NOT read this unless I make him, but now, if he needs a little reminder, he can know WHY I love him so stinking much.

So Stephen, I love you, and these are just a fraction of the reasons why.