Having Sammie has been the best. Stephen got a job at the GM Proving Grounds that keeps him busy for about 60 hours a week, which has left me a little bit alone at home. Luckily, Sammie is pretty awesome to hang out with. She is pretty hysterical. She is always moving, always playing, and very cuddly. We go for hour long walks every day which are her chance to be a proper hunting dog, which is what she was bred for. Granted, all she really hunts is bugs, which occasionally take her airborn. Either way, we have a lot of fun learning to be "parents," and laughing at all of the stupid things she does (she falls off of things A LOT). Her first bath was also an adventure! Here are so photos from that experience...
In amongst the fun with Sam, we had a few other events... the first of which was the wonderfully hilarious SpringHill Halloween Party. There was some steep competition, a lot of good food, a song by Drew, and a few lumberjacks on hand, making for a really fun night!
The day after the party, Stephen and I wanted to have a date day because it had been a while since we had a day off together and carving pumpkins is apparently a MUST in his world. Stephen takes it SO SERIOUSLY, it was hysterical... he took probably a half hour to pick out his pumpkin and we had to go to three different stores so he could find a difficult enough design....you get the idea. We had a ton of fun going to a farm, doing a corn maze, getting some cider and donuts, and of course, carving.
oh, and it took us about an hour and a half to FIND a farm that had everything we wanted to do. Oi.

completed our date day! Hooray! We had bunches of fun and had some sweet-o jack-o-lanters to prove it (though I am pretty sure we only lit them once...). Oh well. Life went on and I did a few events with SpringHill which took me up north with Liz and Jay for the weekend, which was needed I think. We played a LOT of games (speed Monopoly rules) and ate at all of our favorite places. It was a great weekend...
This was my view when walking Sammie every morning.... frosty, but not too shabby...
So that has been our month for the most part. As far as my "unemployment" has been going, I have been working part time at Greens and part time with camp, which has worked out quite well. I also just found out yesterday that I made it into my first show since school! I will be playing Rona Lisa Peretti in the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee at the Avon Players in Rochester. I am so excited to get to do what I love again. It is going to feel SO GOOD! So that is what I will be doing for the next couple of months. And, COMING SOON: Thanksgiving, Baking and Bonding, and CHRISTMAS TIME, which are some of my most favorite things in the world!