So, a few months ago, my computer decided it no longer wished to live and, though I knew this day was coming, I wasn't entirely ready for it. This left Stephens computer as my only option for web browsing, blogging, and editing and frankly, his screen is crap. That is the main reason I have not updated my life via blog in so very long... That and having more than one job and a show....
But here I am and I need to review. Gosh, I don't even remember everything. Lets start with Thanksgiving? It was the in-laws turn to have us on Thanksgiving, so up to the Eichs we went! It was pretty simple. We just spent time with the family and of course had a wonderful wonderful meal! Football was of course watched and Sammie and Ella finally got to meet which was pretty hysterical. Poor Stephen was still working third shifts at the time so he had to work the night before and that same night that we got home so he was not all that entertaining, but I definitely enjoyed myself:-)
Silly me, I forgot to explain my previous posts' title. I auditioned and made it into the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee (it's a musical, for those who are supremely confused by that name...). Rehearsals began late October and it was so nice to be singing and acting again!! We are currently in the middle of our run and it has been a total blast. I love the entire cast and I will be so sad when it is over. I got pretty sick this past week, which of course made for an interesting weekend, but we got through it and I am hoping that I am now on the mend (though, improvement has yet to be seen.) I believe I will be auditioning for another show at the end of February but I won't reveal which until I know whether I am in or not!!
Also happening around the same time was miss Ramona's very first birthday! Here is a little peek into that particular day...
So now, on to Baking and Bonding. There are certain family traditions that I truly hope will never die, and as many of you know, Baking and Bonding is one of those traditions for me. We are older, most of us are married, there are new kids experiencing it (Miles and Ramona), but it still makes me feel like a kid when B + B is coming up. For those that don't know, B + B is a night where my family and our good friends the Ronketto family get together and bake literally hundreds of Christmas-y baked goods. We decorate tons of cookies, make every flavor of chocolate balls, there is fudge, peanut brittle, breads, and my favorite, the Christmas Wreaths. This year, my niece and nephew got to join in the fun so that was some extra excitement! Unfortunately, that was around when my computer was throwing a hissy fit and, though they made it onto Facebook, the photos from that night were otherwise lost.
With rehearsals continuing and work being in abundance for both Stephen and I, not a lot was happening. Sammie saw her first snow, which was precious.
Since then, she has learned that she LOVES SNOW!!! She will eat it, throw it up in the air and catch it, and just really enjoys sprinting through it. It is pretty much adorable.... but lets be serious, SHE is pretty much adorable.
Sammie also very much enjoys sitting like a person and she doesn't think it is weird at all...
On to Christmas! I very much enjoyed decorating our apartment this year. I think I maybe even did it before Thanksgiving (I vaguely remember being judged by my co-workers for that one...) Christmas day was spent with my family( and I mean all 10 of us and 2 dogs), while the NEXT day was spent with Stephens family mostly just eating and doing our awesome puzzle. It was a wonderful weekend full of people, dogs, food, and of course love.
The day was made even more special by the arrival of one little dude that I severely miss...
After Christmas came "show month" which has consisted of a whole lot of singing and dancing and not a lot of picture taking or working or having any time for anything at all....
So, until next time...
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