
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The adventure is getting more adventerous...

Well folks. Stephen and I have made it a whopping six months and have been pretty much stoked about every minute of it. We have created a really cute apartment. Managed to secure really stable full time jobs. Stephen is on a Fire Department. I have auditioned at Disney. We have managed to keep our friends as friends despite living hundreds of miles from a lot of them. And we have enjoyed getting to know each other in this whole new way! God seems to be deciding that it is time to shake things up a bit for us.

There have been a few things coming our way lately that suggest we might be changing things up soon. OR things might stay exactly the same as they are now, WHO KNOWS? I can't write in detail yet about what has come my way because it has not been decided. I can tell you that if it comes to fruition, we will be moving. Ultimately, we don't even know where we may end up in the end, but we would be leaving our cute little apartment. So for now, I will leave it at that and update here soon.

For Stephen, he just found out that there is another Grand Rapids Fire Department recruiting test. For those of you who don't know the story, Stephen took this test last year sometime. At the time, the dept was hiring 12 new recruits. About 1500 people showed up for the test (it's a two day thing). Stephen made the first cut, which narrowed the field to 150 people I believe (maybe 200... not sure). The second test narrows the field to 30. Stephen's score made him number 31. Yeah. He was close. The next part of the exam would have been the physical, which I know he would do great at. So yeah, this has come around again and there is this whole new possibility in front of us. I am not sure how we would work this with my new opportunity, but we are pretty awesome at working things out.

So our lives are in complete upheaval right now. Both working hard still, lots of conversation, lots of love, and still a lot of fun. We are learning a lot about making these huge-ola decisions together and it is definitely nice to know that we are very good at communicating how we feel about all this. It's sweet! So we will let you know what is going on when WE figure out what is going on!

For now, life is good. And Happy Six Months of Awesome to my mega hot husband.

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