I wanted to make sure I had some real photos of our apartment (It's our first place! Give me a break!) So here is our beautifully simple apartment AND as an added bonus... you can see some of the Christmas decorations (cough cough mom...). Enjoy!
Then this one time, I got to have a skype date with this love.... who I get to see again this coming Wed!
It was maaarvelous. Oh and then one day I came home and Stephen had bought me roses... and made dinner... it was magical. Have I ever mentioned that I love my husband very much?
Then came the blizzard, which was not so simple, but you get the idea! It would have been pretty terrible if either of us had needed to go to work.. and technically I probably did... but I don't think I could have gotten there... SO WE STAYED HOME! And with the exception of going outside for about 5 minutes, we did nothing. It was freaking amazing.

Yeah, we have no shovel... and the broom didn't do much... but it sure was pretty! And last but not least was our precious little superbowl date. We don't get Fox and therefore couldn't actually watch, but I wanted Stephen to have a little boy fun so we enjoyed some pigs-in-a-banket, beer, gummies, nachos, etc. It was amazing and we had fun with it!
So there is a little life update! Loving our life. Oh ps. we did make those decisions I talked about in my last post! Hooray! So off to Grand Rapids next and then who knows?!
you are absolutely more than precious. and btw. this is EXACTLY what i had in my head when you talked about your apartment. good explaining